July & August '17

// Today's post features //
Cat Town, Seremban
Bianca & Grey's status & 1st Birthday
Sprained ankle
Gathering X colleagues
Gathering X Alicia & Sam
Sweets from India

*Small rant*
I actually spent one day to write a food review post on multiple places the other day, I published it and reverted to draft because some of the maps are not embedded correctly. Then today, I used Ctrl + Z and suddenly evey thing on the draft post is gone, then autosave happened. I panicked and press the close button. And now everything is gone. Not even Ctrl + Z or Y can save me. Urghhh. I'm not gonna write it again. It's too darn frustrating. It's like playing a game from level 1 to level 30 and then I didn't save and then my game crashed. aslkdfalweualsjkdc nadasdlfja hjkasd fha Okay rant over. 

Heard that there's a new cat place in town! It's not a cat cafe. It's a cat haven(? If my understanding for this English word is correct). They charge per entrance so you can stay as long as you want there. I don't really remember how much it was, because I was not the one paying it. I think it's around RM16? *Not sure, so don't take my word for it*