07-Aug-16 | Aus 21K Run, Redang Trip

Hi my dusty old blog. I'm writing in again after a few months. I've been neglecting to write but actually I don't really have much to write about because I don't do anything special on the weekend. Unless people actually want to see me writing my grocery shopping list every week. I'm thinking who even reads them anyway, it doesn't contain any useful information. HAHAHA. It's only for my personal joy of blabbering out in public... virtually. 

I just went on my mid-year vacation trip to Australia on the beginning of July! Goldcoast to be exact, and the main reason we went there is because of the Gold Coast Airport Marathon (well, half marathon for me). It was my first time in Australia. I was aiming for Tasmania if I ever visited Australia but I guess I will leave that to my next visit.

I love to visit markets when I'm in a different country. I think this is the best place to see what the locals do and to eat delicious foods (great stuff can always be found there, trust me)!